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Elasticsearch Engineer

You will learn about various ways to ingest and process data, how to write complex search requests and work with their responses, strategies for scaling your clusters up or down, managing indices in large clusters and multiple clusters, general cluster management and troubleshooting recommendations, and building your own custom search application that uses Elasticsearch on the back end.
Designed for participants without knowledge and experience
Course length
24 hours
Course code
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Self Study

How and where the course takes place.
Price without VAT
Open term
We will agree on a specific date together. This is a non-binding order.
The combination of theory and practical examples. Available 24/7.
Code of the course: KT21050245-0003
Price without VAT
67 000 Kč

Course description

This course is designed for both new Elasticsearch users and Elasticsearch professionals. It begins with the basics for getting started with the Elastic Stack, then quickly dives deep into topics ranging from optimizing search performance to building efficient clusters. 

Required knowledge

No prior knowledge of the Elastic Stack required.
Working knowledge of Linux terminal commands and editors recommended.

Target audience

Software Developers, Software Engineers, Data Architects, System Administrators, DevOps

Course content

  • Getting started
  • You know for search
  • Data Modeling
  • Data Management
  • Data Processing
  • Cluster Management
  • Developing Search Applications
  • The one about shards

Legal Notice
Accredited Elasticsearch Engineer training is provided by Elasticsearch B.V.
Elasticsearch or Elasic and Elastic logo are trademark trademarks or registered trademarks of Elasticsearch B.V., registered in the U.S. and in other countries and is used with permission.


After completing this course, you will be well on your way to becoming an Elastic Certified Engineer.


Materials are in electronic form.

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News with the course

Náhledový obrázek novinky
Open Source: Elasticsearch 21. 4. 2021
Changes to Elasticsearch Engineer courses

The Elasticsearch Engineer 1 and Elasticsearch Engineer  2 courses have been merged into a single three-day course focused on managing a cluster in an Elastic Cloud deployment. 

Do you want this tailor-made course for your company?

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News with the course

Náhledový obrázek novinky
Open Source: Elasticsearch 21. 4. 2021
Changes to Elasticsearch Engineer courses

The Elasticsearch Engineer 1 and Elasticsearch Engineer  2 courses have been merged into a single three-day course focused on managing a cluster in an Elastic Cloud deployment. 

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