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MongoDB Application Development

The MongoDB application development training is designed for Database Administrators, System Architects, and all IT professionals who want to gain a better than thorough knowledge of NoSQL databases. They will get acquainted with what are sat types, references, IDs, keys, sequences, how Document Manipulation, Tree Structures, Cursors, Aggregations, MongoDB indexes and optimizations work. 
Designed for participants with basic knowledge and experience
Course length
2 days
 cz  eu
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Required knowledge

Knowledge of a programming language (Java, PHP, C# or any other supported by MongoDB).

Target audience

This course covers everything a database developer needs to know to successfully develop applications using MongoDB.

Course content

  • Document Manipulation -Insert, Update, Remove, Query
  • Data types, references, IDs, keys, sequences
  • Nested documents
  • Tree structures
  • Cursors
  • Two-phase commit
  • Aggregation
  • Pipelines
  • Map-reduce
  • MongoDB indexes and optimizations


Materials are in electronic form.

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Follow-up courses

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News with the course

Náhledový obrázek novinky
Database 7. 4. 2021
Database systems trainings

Database systems are a great potential for today's companies. There are many database products on the market that compete on performance, reliability, scalability, and many other factors. In the field of databases, we offer courses in PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL. 

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