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Business at a distance

Today, more and more meetings are taking place online. There is a lack of proven advice on how to run them effectively from a business perspective. What can be done to make the sales curve grow even in the time of the "covid"?

In cooperation with lecturer Lenka Benetková, who specializes in crisis management and leading business teams, we have prepared 3 online courses where you will get instructions on how to organize and successfully conduct an online sales meeting, how to ensure that sales do not decrease, and how lead the business team to higher productivity. 

Online business 

In this 2-hour online course, we define the various forms of selling products and services. We will talk about what they can bring us or, conversely, take away from the point of view of sales success, and how clients can surprise us in the time of "covid". We will focus on how to arrange an online meeting, how to prepare for it and lead it professionally. 

Business skills in the online age

Are your sales of goods or services declining? Have online marketers adapted to the times, or do they not know how to approach their customers in this difficult economic situation? Help your sales team get back in the saddle for the sales curve to grow. We acquaint traders in the junior position with the basic principles of sales and conducting business negotiations. We will give senior traders instructions on how to sell even more.

Creative business workshop

The guided workshop in the form of coaching will stimulate independence and open the door to the world of creative sales, support sensitivity to products and empathy for clients. The workshop can be used as an individual consultation or coaching on a predetermined topic.

These courses will help you start a career in business, increase the performance or motivation of experienced traders with respect to the online times and gain the right trading habits.  

Lenka Benetková

The course leads

Lenka Benetková, lecturer of personal and professional development

Lenka has worked in the media for more than 20 years as a sales director. She has built a number of sales departments, set up business philosophies and led teams to successful sales in the B2B segment. She is currently a freelancer and deals with consulting and designing business projects. She specializes in crisis management within sales departments and constantly strives to discover new opportunities for the sale of products and services not only in the media sphere. 

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