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Power BI basics

Make working with data easier thanks to Power BI.
Designed for participants without knowledge and experience
Course length
1 day
 cz  eu
Course code
MS Power BI - reports
Do you want this tailor-made course to your company? Contact us

Courses with lecturer

How and where the course takes place.
Price without VAT
Open term
We will agree on a specific date together. This is a non-binding order.
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
Code of the course: PU22010052-0002
Price without VAT
6 000 Kč
Open term
We will agree on a specific date together. This is a non-binding order.
The course with an instructor in classroom.
Code of the course: PU22010052-0023
Price without VAT
6 000 Kč

Expressions of participants

Kateřina I.
"The instructor is an experienced Power BI user, understands it, and is very patient. He had practical examples ready, answered all questions, and led the lesson very well."
Petra Š.
Škoda Auto, a.s.
"Great, perfect presentation, absolutely fun, interesting, inspiring, we want to do it again."

Course description

Power BI is Microsoft's cloud technology that makes it easy to analyze and visualize data.

Required knowledge

Basics of working with data.

Target audience

Do you need to analyze a large amount of data?
Do you want to create reports from this data?

Then the course is just for you. 

Course content

  • Introduction to the application
  • Applications vs Web Interface
  • License types
  • What can be created in Power BI
  • Working with UI applications
  • Explanation of individual functions / buttons in Power BI
  • Data upload
  • Edit date
  • Getting new visuals
  • Creating tables
  • Graphing
  • Visual formatting
  • Filters
  • Interactions between visuals
  • DAX basics
  • Creating a calendar
  • Relationships between tables
  • Aquarium
  • Q&A


Materials are in electronic form.


  • You will understand the difference between Power BI and the web interface
  • Find out what options Power BI offers you
  • You will know the features of Power BI
  • You will learn to work with data, create tables and grafs


Jan B.
Jan B.

Do you want this tailor-made course for your company?

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News with the course

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Follow-up courses

Expressions of participants

Kateřina I.
"The instructor is an experienced Power BI user, understands it, and is very patient. He had practical examples ready, answered all questions, and led the lesson very well."
Petra Š.
Škoda Auto, a.s.
"Great, perfect presentation, absolutely fun, interesting, inspiring, we want to do it again."

Do you want this tailor-made course for your company?

Contact us

News with the course

Náhledový obrázek novinky
Microsoft 365 7. 3. 2024
Microsoft 365 adoption

Microsoft 365 adoption represents the process of a company's digital transformation. It assists employees in acclimating to new technology, establishing usage rules, and fostering collaboration. Mere tool installation is not sufficient.

Why with us