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Comparison of the 6th and 7th editions of PRINCE2

In 2023, the new 7th edition of the PRINCE2 methodology was published. Compared to the previous 6th edition from 2017, it introduces a range of updates that reflect the current needs of project teams. What are the key differences? We have prepared a clear comparison.

PRINCE2 is one of the most popular project management methodologies. It helps organizations manage projects in a structured way.

Key differences between the 6th and 7th editions of PRINCE2

Prince2 - 6th and 7th Edition Comparison

1. A modern definition of project management

The 6th edition of PRINCE2 focused on processes like planning, delegating, and controlling. The 7th edition defines project management as the application of methods, tools, techniques, and competencies to achieve goals more effectively. This makes the PRINCE2 methodology better adapted to the current needs of project management.

2. Sustainability as a new aspect

PRINCE2 identifies measurable areas of project management, referred to as aspects. One of the most notable updates in the 7th edition is the addition of sustainability. Beyond the traditional aspects such as benefits, costs, and risks, the 7th edition highlights environmental and social responsibility in projects. This reflects the growing trend where organizations are under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices.

3. People as a key element of PRINCE2

The 7th edition introduces a new fifth element: People. This addition focuses on the "soft" aspects of project management, including competencies, teamwork, and organizational culture.

Elements in the 6th Edition:

  • Principles
  • Themes
  • Processes
  • Project environment

Elements in the 7th Edition:

  • PRINCE2 principles
  • PRINCE2 practices
  • PRINCE2 processes
  • Project context
  • People

4. Themes renamed to practices

The 7th edition replaces "Themes" with "Practices" to better reflect their practical application. For example "Change Management" has been renamed "Issue Management," aligning more closely with the real-world challenges project managers face.

5. Simplified documentation

The 7th edition of PRINCE2 simplifies administrative tasks by reducing the number of management products from 26 to 16. More significant changes occurred especially in the Documentation, which was expanded to include new approaches such as sustainability management and work with digital data, which facilitates their use in modern projects.

Why choose the 7th edition of PRINCE2?

The 7th edition is more flexible, modern, and tailored to the needs of today’s project teams. Its focus on sustainability, the human element, and practical application makes it ideal for organizations looking to streamline project management while staying ahead of industry trends.

Improve your project management skills

At our trainings, we will not only prepare you for certification, but also show you how to use this methodology in practice. Sign up for our course:

Name Code Language Course duration Form Event date Price
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation + exam PU23090127-0015 cz 3 days
The course with an instructor in classroom.
10. 3. 2025 09:00 24 600 Kč
PRINCE2® 7 Foundation + exam PU23090127-0001 eu 3 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
open term 24 600 Kč

The article was prepared in cooperation with our lecturer Mgr. Jiří Pilný, who has 15 years of experience with IT Service Management, ITIL and project management standards.

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