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Sustainability in IT

When you buy a t-shirt do you think about whether it was made from recyclable/sustainable material? Whether child labor was involved? Do you recycle your waste? 


    When you use your IT services (e-mail, SAP, wifi, videoconferences...) do you think the same way? I mean do you buy these services only from IT providers or departments who behave friendly towards the environment? Who are thinking about energy waste, HW and SW reuse and so on?

   I will give you a story of 2 brothers, they are both my friends – to protect their identity I’ll call them Mody and Wasty. They are both high ranking IT managers, married, they have lovely families, 2 kids, and they are both similarly happy in their lifes. They both have a big family practical cars. BUT Mody's car cost 20k EUR but Wasty's car cost 200k EUR. Mody's kids study at Charles University, Wasty's kids at Oxford.


     Mody's always scolding me when I put my cola bottle into a normal bin - he takes it out, and carries it in his bag till we reach a recycling point (on our weekend 20km trek). Wasty never turns off any light at home even when going out because it's payed by the company. I know them both well for some time, and they always surprise me with their decisions and behavior. Mody is so humble - way too much in my opinion, and Wasty is just thinking so short term - not thinking at all how his way of life is affecting our environment, other people, future generations.

    Now imagine those 2 brothers in their work as IT managers. They both decide daily about many aspects of their IT departments - hundreds of people, HW, SW, use of space, energy, how IT jobs will be executed. For example Wasty has to decide about purchase of hardware servers. He mainly looks at the servers’ technical parameters and the cost. Energy use, recyclability, reusability doesn't even come to his mind.

    They are both considered the same very successful IT managers, and they lead their companies to success. But this will not last for long for Wasty. Same as most customers no longer want to buy a t-shirt where child labor was involved, most IT customers will soon start to ask - how this IT service is provided (does it run on sustainable HW)?

ITIL small

    I believe we are so behind in IT in sustainability matters. It is not properly published, educated, and encouraged. I'm happy that AXELOS/PeopleCert between all IT 'standardization' authorities first woke up, and launched the 'ITIL® 4: Sustainability in Digital and IT' trainings'.

Lída Vráželová

Be ready for a new direction in IT!

     Ludmila Vrazelova

     ITIL Expert and great trainer

Name Code Language Course duration Form Event date Price
ITIL® 4 Sustainability in Digital & IT + exam PU22010004-0004 eu 3 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
4. 4. 2022 09:00 34 900 Kč
ITIL® 4 Sustainability in Digital & IT + exam PU22010004-0003 cz 3 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
4. 4. 2022 09:00 34 900 Kč
ITIL® 4 Sustainability in Digital & IT + exam PU22010004-0002 eu 3 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
open term 28 900 Kč
ITIL® 4 Sustainability in Digital & IT + exam PU22010004-0001 cz 3 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
open term 28 900 Kč

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