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The Six Sigma method and its benefits

Six Sigma is a process management and quality improvement methodology that focuses on minimizing variability and imperfections in processes and products. The goal of Six Sigma is to achieve maximum output quality and minimize the occurrence of errors or defective products.

Six Sigma strives to achieve a level of 3.4 defective units per million opportunities, which corresponds to the statistical value of 6 sigma. This value is the basic principle of the methodology and explains its name.

Six Sigma uses a range of statistical tools and techniques to analyze and solve problems. It emphasizes measuring process performance, identifying the causes of problems and implementing effective solutions. This methodology was first introduced by Motorola in the 1980s and has since spread to many other industries and companies around the world.

Key benefits of using Six Sigma:

  • Six Sigma helps companies reduce costs and increase productivity.
  • Six Sigma improves the quality of project outputs by reducing inefficiencies and defects.
  • Six Sigma increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Certified Six Sigma professionals can make a significant contribution to increasing ROI.

Chart #1 suggests that Six Sigma is not limited to the manufacturing sector. It also finds its application in other sectors thanks to its many advantages. Today's competitive environment does not allow for mistakes. It is essential to constantly look for new ways to exceed customer expectations and provide them with maximum care. Six Sigma plays a significant role in this area, regardless of the specifics of the industry.

Chart No. 1 - Distribution of companies using Six Sigma by industry 

Distribution of companies using Six Sigma by industry

source: 6sigmastudy - research 2019

There is a belief that Six Sigma is primarily intended for large companies that have many processes in operation. However, a survey conducted by 6sigmastudy revealed that Six Sigma finds equal favor with small and medium-sized organizations. The following chart illustrates the distribution of companies by number of employees.

Chart No. 2 - Distribution of companies using Six Sigma by number of employees 

Rozložení společností používajících Six Sigma podle počtu zaměstnanců

source: 6sigmastudy - research 2019

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

The Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is designed to help anyone interested in learning what Six Sigma is. He wants to learn key concepts and gain a fundamental understanding of how the Six Sigma framework works to deliver successful projects.

Six Sigma Green Belt

The Six Sigma Green Belt course will introduce students to various Six Sigma tools and techniques. It introduces them to advanced process optimization techniques using Lean and Six Sigma methodologies.

Six Sigma návaznost

When to choose the Six Sigma methodology

1) To focus on measurable results

Six Sigma is oriented towards achieving measurable results and minimizing errors, which contributes to increased productivity and efficiency.

2) Access to statistics

Six Sigma uses statistical tools to analyze data and identify the root causes of problems, allowing for a better understanding of processes and their improvement.

3) Customer orientation

The Six Sigma methodology places great emphasis on customer needs and expectations, leading to the creation of products and services that better meet their requirements.

4) System approach

Six Sigma promotes a systematic and structured approach to problem solving, which improves the organization as a whole and enables consistently high levels of quality to be achieved.

5) A culture of improvement

The implementation of Six Sigma often leads to the creation of a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, where employees actively contribute to the search for and implementation of process improvements.

6) Measurability and traceability

Six Sigma provides clearly defined metrics and indicators to measure process performance and monitor progress toward goals.

Name Code Language Course duration Form Event date Price
Six Sigma Yellow Belt PU23010126-0002 eu 2 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
open term 14 000 Kč
Six Sigma Green Belt PU23010130-0001 eu 5 days
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
open term 32 000 Kč

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